Photos of Old Niagara

The Town of Niagara or Niagara-on-the-Lake has a rich and varied history steeped with mystery and intrigue.

However the only intrigue here is to enjoy the photos and perhaps you may see yourself or a relative and wish to comment. (:-)

All of these photos are from the collection of James Smith, a Niagara native.

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Wednesday 11 January 2012

Album 1 - 1944-?

All of these photos have been collected by James Smith of Niagara-on-the-Lake, I believe a life-long resident.

Note: If you hover over the photos you will see the names given to them below near the bottom left of the page or screen.

-Webateer, Charles G. Pedley

Skating in Simcoe Park 1944

Simcoe Park Skating rink

Balls Beach

Simcoe Park skating

Dean Steele & Larry Bishop

Queens Royal Park

Joan Irwin right Vi Mills left

Simcoe Park dance hall

Terry Smith left Don Smith right

The old fire hall

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