Photos of Old Niagara

The Town of Niagara or Niagara-on-the-Lake has a rich and varied history steeped with mystery and intrigue.

However the only intrigue here is to enjoy the photos and perhaps you may see yourself or a relative and wish to comment. (:-)

All of these photos are from the collection of James Smith, a Niagara native.

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Old Town

Jim Smith  to Al
show details Jan 4 (10 days ago)

  Welcome to 2012!

Can you believe it, it just makes my pictures all the older and further back from when we remember the town.

Gloria Librock and ???

The first picture taken in Simcoe Park with our old skating rink in the back ground. The girl on the left looks like Gloria Librock anyone know who the other girl is ?


Next is John Campbell standing and Nelson Campbell on the sleigh, Campbells Dairy delivered milk to just about every house in town. Remember when houses had a milk box built in?

The third picture shows Queen Street in the early 1950's, Notice the Bell Telephone sign, that's where the telephone exchange was located with a switch board and operators.

Picture four is St.Vincent De Paul Church the way it used to look.

The fifth picture is a painting likely done in the 1940's of Queen Street. I notice the gas station sign down where Shaws Corner is today. The picture is from Sarah Riggs collection.

The last picture I took a number of years ago of the McFarland house. Jim

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