Photos of Old Niagara

The Town of Niagara or Niagara-on-the-Lake has a rich and varied history steeped with mystery and intrigue.

However the only intrigue here is to enjoy the photos and perhaps you may see yourself or a relative and wish to comment. (:-)

All of these photos are from the collection of James Smith, a Niagara native.

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Niagara 60'6-70's

to be tidied later :-)
 It was back in the 1960's and 70's that Brian Yanick set up home in
his grandfathers old boat house. I believe he lived in it year round.
Being the days of flower power and free love, Yanicks Shack attracted a
fine gathering of friends. There decorative skills and party ability's
will become apparent in the fourth coming set of pictures, all taken and
provided by one of the members, Brian Howse, Thanks Brian.
     For those who do not know where the fishing shanty was I have
started this series with some pictures to give you an idea. The first
picture was taken from River Beach looking toward the new road now
called Tern Stile Way, where the old train Turnstile was located.
Yanicks shack would have been located just ahead and to the right of the
parked car. Notice the three sheds in a row, the second picture shows a
new house built right where these sheds once stood. Picture three shows
some cars in Yanick Shack parking lot. Picture four is The Shack in the
early days, before the exterior decorators put their artistic touch to
it. Picture five, the man himself, Brian Yanick enjoying the fresh lake
breeze while basking in the sun. Picture six, looks like the painters
have been here. Picture seven, there skill is undeniable. Picture eight,
I think they are having a house warming party with a little liquid
refreshment. Picture nine, just a peek inside. Jim

1 Shack    
1 Shack.JPG

2 Shack.JPG2 Shack.JPG

3 Shack.JPG3 Shack.JPG
4 Sack.JPG4 Sack.JPG
5 Shack.JPG5 Shack.JPG
6 Shack.JPG6 Shack.JPG
7 Shack.JPG7 Shack.JPG
8 Shack.JPG8 Shack.JPG
9 Shack.JPG9 Shack.JPG

      Here are the best of, Yaniks Shack pictures from the 1960's, and
this time I have most names. Picture A from L to R, Doug Logan with hat,
Lynn Ansley, Albert Cipryk, Brian Yanik, possibly Don McCook. Picture B
from left, Albert Cipryk and John ? , Picture C , Pete Morrison with a
wig, Picture D, from left in wheel chair, Sam ? , Linda Oswald, Susan
Rutherford with drink, ? ,? ,? last with cigarette, Margaret Morton now
Marg Bolt, Picture E , Pete Morrison and his girlfriend, Sally ?
,Picture F , From left, Brian Yanik, Doug Logan and Danny McCarthy in
back ground. Picture G, another look inside with Pete Morrison left and
Doug Logan holding a "little brown bottle". Jim

Yanicks Shack A.jpgYanicks Shack A.jpg
Yanicks Shack B.jpgYanicks Shack B.jpg
Yanicks Shack C.jpgYanicks Shack C.jpg
Yanicks Shack D.jpgYanicks Shack D.jpg
Yanicks Shack E.jpgYanicks Shack E.jpg
Yanicks Shack F.jpgYanicks Shack F.jpg
Yanicks Shack G.jpgYanicks Shack G.jpg

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