Photos of Old Niagara

The Town of Niagara or Niagara-on-the-Lake has a rich and varied history steeped with mystery and intrigue.

However the only intrigue here is to enjoy the photos and perhaps you may see yourself or a relative and wish to comment. (:-)

All of these photos are from the collection of James Smith, a Niagara native.

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Cayuga & Camp Niagara

Hello All - from Jim


Picture 1 Boy does that name bring back a flood of memories. Picture
one used to hang in the Brewers Retail Store, now Butlers Den.

Picture two is my best clearest picture of her.

Three waiting to get on board in Niagara.

Four she is just leaving after the kids were diving for money,
remember, Toss your money in Folks.

Five, she looks like she came close to the old water ski Jump.

Six, that's a very young Barry Wright on board, remember hairstylist Mr.Barry, that's him.

Seven is one of the
Howse boys, was it Jack?

Eight officers from Camp Niagara, one of these
men is John Morgan's father.

Nine, heading over seas from training at
Camp Niagara.

Ten, soldiers heading over seas, is this the floor where
the moon light trip had their dance floor ?

Eleven, these men are coming into Niagara from Toronto to train at Camp Niagara, the boat is loaded.

The dark area in the upper corner is the roof of the waiting station. Jim

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